Welcome to our new Service Expertise section
This new section to the CompAir website acts as a comprehensive guide to servicing and maintaining your compressed air installation. The different sections below show you how to keep your installation running at peak efficiency. There are simple guides and basic information ranging from replacing air filters to air ends, how to avoid leaks which cost you money, there are basic equipment checks and details about how smart monitoring of your system with iConn can help you prevent equipment downtime before it happens. We also have a comprehensive service schedules guide where you can download the service schedule for your machine.
Please select an option below:
AssurePLAN+ provides predictable, on-time planned services including diagnostics to catch potential problems, beforethey result in larger headaches.
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Assure Service Agreements
The maintenance and protection of compressors is crucial for a manufacturing company
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air compressor filter
learn how important air filters are to keep your air installation running at peak efficiency
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Airend Replacement
Using a genuine CompAir air end guarantees that your compressed air system will operate reliably and efficiently.
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Avoid Leakages
Four good reasons why you should treat compressed air leaks like a dripping tap
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Compressor Service Schedules
Important checks to make to keep your installation running at peak efficiency
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Pressure Equipment Check
Testing of pressure equipment - a green light for your systems plus a safer working environment
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AssureCOMPLETE provides the highest equipment reliability and return on your maintenance budget
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Luchtcompressorolie en smeermiddelen zijn een essentieel onderdeel van elke gesmeerde roterende compressor. Maar al te vaak wordt dit essentiële onderdeel van het compressorpakket door de eigenaar van de machine verkeerd begrepen en ondergewaardeerd.
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Wilt u uw compressornetwerk upgraden of vervangen? Of wilt u het energieverbruik van uw bestaande installatie verbeteren? De eerste stap is altijd een persluchtaudit.
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Oliebemonstering en -analyse kunnen problemen identificeren zodra die zich voordoen, met als gevolg minimale downtime, lagere reparatiekosten en een optimale energie-efficiëntie.
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