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Compressor Oils and Lubricants

Lubricants are a key component of any lubricated rotary compressor. Too often this vital element of the compressor package is misunderstood and under valued by the machine owner. The temptation to look for cheaper alternatives often replaces prudence and common sense, leading to poor performance and costly repairs.

The Fluid Force lubricant is formulated with carefully selected base oils and additives, which enables it to achieve longer compressor running hours. The Fluid Force warranty lubricants last remarkably long in the severe CompAir compressor tests whilst safeguarding energy efficiency and compressor cleanliness.

  • This range of high performance lubricants is specifically designed to meet and exceed the operating requirements of all oil injected rotary screw compressors
  • Ensure that you benefit from the enhanced peace of mind and all round protection that CompAir Fluid Force Lubricants will bring - The Liquid Asset
  • Use of CompAir warranty lubricants supports the machine owner’s participation in the extended warranty programme Assure™ , no other lubricants can offer you this protection

Oil Sampling and analysis can identify problems in the earliest stages which can keep downtime to a minimum, reduce repair cost and ensure optimum energy efficiency.

Detailed analysis reports will give information regarding external contamination, which will give an insight to the ambient conditions that affect the lubricant and running of the compressor, or internal contamination that would give an early warning regarding malfunctioning of components. We will provide an easy to read report that include: when to sample again, what parameters are abnormal and possible steps you need to amend any abnormality with your lubrication.